Southeast Asia


Southeast Asia is home to an incredibly diverse population. The island nation of Papua New Guinea alone is home to more than 1,000 people groups who speak more than 800 languages. Christianity has taken root and continues to grow among ethnic minorities who face increasing persecution from oppressive regimes.

Islam is another challenge to native believers in Southeast Asia. Christians in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation, face high levels of persecution from radical Muslims, who are pushing Sharia-inspired laws in more communities. Meanwhile, a growing Muslim population on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines continues to breed radicalism and hatred for Christians. In both of these countries, however, Christianity has sustained continued growth.

With the growth of Christianity in Southeast Asia comes an enormous need for trained church leaders. Thousands of rural congregations languish without adequate leadership, falling into unbiblical teaching, moral failure, and syncretism.

In addition to persecution from radical Muslims and hostile governments, native missionaries in Southeast Asia are challenged to minister to unreached people groups in regions of extreme poverty and where there is rampant drug usage. The countries of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand comprise Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle, one of Asia’s two main opium-producing areas. Myanmar is also the world’s largest producer of methamphetamines.

How You Can Make a Difference

Christians are not welcomed into towns and villages dominated by false religions unless they can offer a product or service helpful to the community. Your support for Southeast Asian missionaries enables them to start small businesses as a means to enter communities, build relationships, and be self-supporting. Ministries in Southeast Asia also request assistance for Bibles and training materials in local languages for the many ethnic minority groups that are responding to the gospel message.

Ways To Give

Southeast Asian man sits on tile floor with legs crossed and hands together while others sit in a circle with him

Evangelism & Discipleship

Through the work of one indigenous ministry in Vietnam, more than 3,000 house churches exist in the country’s Central Highlands. A ministry on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines has shared the gospel and planted churches among the island’s 13 Muslim-majority tribes through carefully trained native missionaries. Though ministry inside North Korea is impossible under the present regime, native missionaries established underground churches in six locations in northern China among North Korean women who were trafficked across the border. GIVE NOW to help evangelistic and discipleship ministries like these in Southeast Asia.

Indonesian man smiling while sitting on his motorcycle with his chainsaw on the back

Community Engagement

In Indonesia, several Christian Aid Mission-assisted ministries are providing business training to desperately poor pastors and equipping them to start microenterprises to support their families and fledgling churches. GIVE NOW to help community engagement ministries like these in Southeast Asia.

Men and women from Myanmar line up to register for a free healthcare clinic


In Myanmar, where multitudes fall prey to drug addiction, a ministry is sharing the love of Christ through its two addiction recovery centers where addicts are cared for and discipled in God’s Word. GIVE NOW to help compassion ministries like this one in Southeast Asia.

Exclusive Stories from the Mission Field


Bring Eternal Life to the Lost in Cambodia

A native ministry provides accommodation for university students and others where the gospel can be shared. One impoverished young man was neither a Christian nor a student, but after coming to Christ he has moved back to his home village, where he has obtained work and eagerly shares his faith with others. Another young man from the slums was turned away from a Buddhist temple but began living at the dormitory, where he learned about Christ and changed his life course.

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Help Plant Churches in Indonesia

A native ministry has 137 church planters sharing the gospel throughout the country, and over the course of six months they planted 34 house churches. Including people who heard about Christ through social media, workers shared the message of salvation with 15,800 people.

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Send the Salvation Message in Burma

Sometimes relocating from one place to another to escape military and other violence, native Christian workers at one ministry shared the gospel with 4,500 people over a period of six months. Helping to meet humanitarian needs such as food and health care opened the way for many gospel discussions, and the ministry emphasizes one-on-one evangelism as most effective.

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Help Workers Share the Gospel in Vietnam

As churches multiply and grow, native Christian workers are key to training pastors with an accredited program of theological education by extension. Thousands of students are enrolled in first- and second-level courses, and native missionaries are now working in 22 provinces to share the gospel, disciple new believers, and plant house churches.

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Gospel Revives a Battered Life in Indonesia

A young man in Indonesia who had suffered setbacks throughout his life found himself trying to make a living by performing on the street. Osbert*, 28, told a Christian worker who engaged him in conversation that his wife had recently left him, and that he had no hope for the future, the ministry leader said. The worker shared how Christ cares for him so much that He died on the Cross to take the punishment for all sinners who accept His salvation.
“Since the first time he heard the gospel story, he immediately responded positively and then put his faith in Jesus,” the ministry leader said. “It wasn’t long before he accepted baptism.”

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