Support Missionaries Through Difficult Days in Myanmar

September 5

A native ministry has been unable to communicate with many ministry workers because of the ongoing civil war. In April, one worker’s village was bombed, and he fled to the jungle. He has not been heard from since that time. A ministry worker in another place fled with his neighbors after a heavy battle in their village. “Out of 62 pastors, 16 still cannot go back to their own ministries,” the ministry leader said. Donations of $60 or $120 support native ministries during these difficult times. “Please continue to pray for these pastors,” the ministry leader requests. “We can’t help all of their church members, but at least we would love to help our pastors.”

“And we know that all things work together[a] for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

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