Help Missionaries Persevere Against Spiritual Darkness in Sri Lanka

October 29

A native missionary working in a remote area of the country was confronted by a man in the community who opposed his work, especially after the number of children attending a language class that he taught began to increase. But the missionary would not be swayed by the man’s hostility and turned to prayer to seek God’s guidance over the situation. “Remarkably, through prayer, there was a notable transformation in the attitude of that particular man,” the missionary said. “He not only stopped opposing the ministry and classes, but he became a supporter.” Donations of $25 or $50 support missionaries’ outreach endeavors. Pray they will trust the Lord to guide them in every circumstance.

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

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